Tejpur University (TUEE) 2019 M.Phil/Ph.D. solved entrance test paper

Journalism and Mass Communication 2019

  1. ‘Controlled group’ is a term used in
  • Survey research
  • Historical research
  • Experimental research
  • Descriptive research

Explanation- An experimental group is the group in an experiment that receives the variable being tested. One variable is tested at a time. The experimental group is compared to a control group, which does not receive the test variable. In this way, experimental groups are used to find answers in an experiment1.

2. Information is

  • Raw data
  • Processed data
  • Input data
  • Organised data

Explanation- Data are simply facts or figures — bits of information, but not information itself. When data are processed, interpreted, organized, structured or presented so as to make them meaningful or useful, they are called information2.

3. Which of the following theories stresses that mass media in a society is controlled by the state power?

  • Authoritarian
  • Libertarian
  • Social responsibility
  • Democratic participant

Explanation- Authoritarian theory describe that all forms of communications are under the control of the governing elite or authorities or influential bureaucrats3.

4. Bernard Berelson developed which of the following research methods?

  • Telephone interview
  • Action research
  • Content analysis
  • Focus group discussion

Explanation- According to Bernard Berelson, Content Analysis refers to a research technique for the objective, systematic and quantitative description of clear content of communication4.

5. The multiplicity model of developmental communication was advocated by

  • Jan Servaes
  • Lucian Pye
  • Shirley White
  • Bella Mody

Explanation- Jan Servaes takes the reader to multiplicity paradigm, which says that there is “no universal model for development. Each society must develop its own strategy5

6. Duplicating only the sampling and experimental procedures of a previous analysis is called

  • Literal replication
  • Instrumental replication
  • Constructive replication
  • Operational replication

7. Phatic Communication is used to express

  • Emotion
  • Information
  • Education
  • Persuasion

Explanation- Phatic communication is popularly known as small talk. Phatic communication is verbal or non-verbal communication that has a social function, such as to start a conversation, greet someone, or say goodbye, rather than an informative function6

8. The textuality of television is considered as

  • Limited
  • Intermediate
  • Monosemy
  • Intertextual

9. Priming effect of Leonard Berkowitz focuses on

  • Political manipulation
  • Television violence
  • Individualism
  • Personal relations

Explanation- The weapons effect was first described by Leonard Berkowitz and Anthony LePage in 1967.It refers to the mere presence of a weapon or a picture of a weapon leading to more aggressive behaviour in humans, particularly if these humans are already aroused7.

10. Identify the scale which is simply a system of assigning numbers to events.

  • Ordinal scale
  • Internal Scale
  • Nominal Scale
  • Ratio Scale

Explanation- A Nominal Scale is a measurement scale, in which numbers serve as “tags” or “labels” only, to identify or classify an object8

11. The term ‘objectivity rituals’ is used in

  • News reporting
  • Public relations
  • Advertising
  • Cultural communication

Explanation- An Examination of Newsmen’s Notions of objectivity. The newspapermen studied believe they may mitigate such continual pressures as deadlines, possible libel suits, and anticipated reprimands of superiors by being able to claim that their work is “objective9.”

12. Identify the correct sequence of the following research studies.

  • Communication and perception, war propaganda, experiments in mass communication, Voter studies
  • War propaganda, experiments in mass communication, Voter studies, Communication and perception
  • Voter studies, war propaganda, experiments in mass communication, Communication and perception
  • Experiments in mass communication, Communication and perception, Voter studies, War propaganda

13. In cultivation analysis, when viewers identify the television contents with their daily events, the phenomenon is known as

  • Redundancy
  • Cultural Cue
  • Proxy
  • Resonance

Explanation- Resonance occurs when things viewed on television are congruent with the actual lived realities of viewers10

14. Identify the correct sequence of Satyajit Ray films

  • Pather Panchali, Aparajito, Apur Sansar, Charulata
  • Apur Sansar, Pather Panchali, Aparajito, Charulata
  • Pather Panchali Charulata, Apur Sansar, Aparajito
  • Charulata, Pather Panchali, Aparajaito, Apur Sansar

Explanation- Pather Panchali (1955), Aparajito (1956), Apur Sansar (1959), Charulata (1964)

15. What is the chronological sequence (highest to lowest) of language wise circulation of newspapers as per ABC report released in November, 2018?

  • English, Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi
  • Hindi, English, Malayalam, Telegu
  • Hindi, English, Telegu, Malayalam
  • Hindi, English, Bengali, Malyalam

Explanation- Dainik Bhaskar (Hindi), Times of India (English), Malyala Manorma (Malayalam), Eanadu (Telegu), Dina Thanthi (Tamil).

16. The rationalistic approach to knowledge uses

  • Mysticism
  • Rules of logic
  • Human authority
  • Technocrat


  • Rules of Logic:-The rationalist believes we come to knowledge a priori – through the use of logic – and is thus independent of sensory experience11.
  • Mysticism:-
    Mysticism is a spiritual belief stating that a connection can be obtained with God or the spirits through thought and meditation. An example of mysticism believes that a direct connection can be made with God through sitting and thinking12.
  • Technocrats:-
    The word “technocrat” stands for an expert in science, engineering, etc. who has a lot of power in politics and/or industry and  the technocracy is system of government where decision maker is selected on the basis of their expertise and power in their areas of responsibility particularly scientific knowledge13.

17. A statement of predicted relationship of two or more variables is called

  • Research statement
  • Operational statement
  • Hypothesis
  • Research problem

18. Herbert Schriller was critical of

  • Common man’s culture
  • Ideology of culture
  • Media sensitivity
  • Corporatization of culture

Explanation- Herbert Schriller was widely known for the term “packaged consciousness,” that argues American media is controlled by a few corporations like Time Warner Inc. that “create, process, refine and preside over the circulation of images and information which determines our beliefs, attitudes and ultimately our behavior. Herbert Schiller was critical of corporisation of culture14.

19. The proposition that technology in any given society defines its nature and technology is viewed as the driving force of culture in a society ultimately influencing the cultural, political and economic aspects of a society. This proposition talks about the concept and theory of ‘technological determinism’. Who among the following has coined and propounded this?

  • Thorstein Veblen
  • Karl Marx
  • Theodore Adorno
  • Marshall McLuhan

Explanation- . The term ‘technological determinism’ was coined by Thorstein Veblen and this theory revolves around the proposition that technology in any given society defines its nature15.

20. Which of the following is the most commonly used methods specially in studies related to behavioural sciences?

  • Survey method
  • Observational method
  • Interview method
  • Content analysis method

Explanation- Behavioural sciences explore the cognitive processes within organisms and the behavioural interactions between organisms in the natural world16.

21. According to Buddhist model, the three levels of communication are

  • Those rooted in assumptions, intuitive modes and enlightenment
  • Deceptive level, eye level and intuitive level
  • Mistruth, relative truth and ultimate truth
  • Public level, interpersonal level and intrapersonal level

22. What is typical of the changing media ecosystem?

  • Proliferation of misinformation
  • Hybridization of news gathering and dissemination
  • Viewers of television fed with half-truth and mistruths
  • Social media supplement mass media

23. The process through which an individual or group acquires new approaches, beliefs and values by coming into contact with another culture is referred to as

  • Enculturation
  • Cultural Immersion
  • Acculturation
  • Sub-culturation

Explanation- “Acculturation” is the process of taking on ANOTHER group’s culture whereas Enculturation” is the process of learning your own group’s culture. Like when an American mother teaches her child to use a fork, she is enculturating him17.

24. Who coined the theory of denotation and connotation?

  • Michel Foucalt
  • Walter Benjamin
  • Jurgen Habermas
  • Theodore Adorno

25. Who among the following is considered to establish the tradition of ‘effect’ research?

  • Harold Lasswell
  • Elihu Kitz
  • Wilbur schramm
  • Paul Lazarsfeld

26. The positivist paradigm, adopted by researcher in mass communication makes a liberal use of

  • Descriptions
  • Fictional narratives
  • Aesthetics
  • Quantifications

27. A chain of referrals to identify respondents for collection of data will result in the sampling method is known as

  • Purposive sampling
  • Sequential random sampling
  • Judgemental sampling
  • Snowball sampling

28. When media audience derive different meanings from the same text, the message is considered as

  • Contrived
  • Connotative
  • Polysemic
  • Denotative

Explanation- Polysemy was proposed and influenced by John Fiske and according to our textbook, it refers to the relative openness of media texts to multiple interpretations18.

29. Who was the first person to develop the concept of ‘Information society’?

  • Fritz Machlup
  • Peter Drucker
  • Daniel Bell
  • Manuel Castells

Explanation- Information Society is a term for a society in which the creation, distribution, and manipulation of information has become the most significant economic and cultural activity19.

30. When a straightforward proposition is used in advertising, it is called

  • Emotional Approach
  • Dogmatic approach
  • Creative approach
  • Indirect approach

Explanation- being certain that your beliefs are right and those others should accept them, without paying attention to evidence or other opinions a dogmatic approach20.

31. ——- is the form of structuralism, for it argues that we cannot know the world on its own terms, but only through the conceptual and linguistic structures of our culture.

  • Empricism
  • Semiotics
  • Ideology
  • Textuality

Explanation- The concept of textuality is a product of structuralism, a modern intellectual movement that views cultural phenomena such as literature in terms of linguistic relationships involved in all human activities21.


  1. https://study.com/academy/lesson/experimental-group-definition-lesson-quiz.html
  2. https://www.diffen.com/difference/Data_vs_Information
  3. https://www.communicationtheory.org/authoritarian-theory/
  4. http://www.css.ac.in/download/deviprasad/content%20analysis.%20a%20method%20of%20social%20science%20research.pdf
  5. http://www.uq.edu.au/ccsc/communication-for-development-one-world-multiple-cultures
  6. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/phatic-communication
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weapons_effect
  8. https://www.questionpro.com/blog/nominal-scale/
  9. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/225193?mobileUi=0&
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultivation_theory
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationalism
  12. https://www.yourdictionary.com/mysticism
  13. http://www.theindependentbd.com/arcprint/details/133795/2018-01-22
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Schiller
  15. https://www.communicationtheory.org/technological-determinism/
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioural_sciences
  17. https://www.italki.com/question/157184
  18. http://crystalandmedia.blogspot.com/2013/11/polysemy-polyvalence_16.html
  19. https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Information-Society
  20. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/dogmatic

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