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Magazine JournalismMeaning of Magazine and Magazine Journalism, Vanitha : An Indian Magazine, The Illustrated Weekly of India, History of Magazine in India and World, Types of MagazinespdfView and Download
Language Press in India©
Definition of Language Newspapers, Difference between English Newspapers and Language Newspapers, Growth of Language Newspapers in India, Reasons for Newspaper Boom, Studies about the Press in India, Diversity of the Language Press, Early Growth Period of language Press, Recent Trends and unhealthy Trends, Circulation and Readership Levels, Future of the Langugae Press in India.
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Editing: Concepts & processes©
Career Opportunities in Media World, Editing- meaning Concept, Objectives & Scope of Editing, Editorial board and Guidelines, Managing Editor, Editor, Assistant Editor, Resident Editor, Sub Editor, Editing in Magazines, Newsroom, Editing Desk VS Reporting, Reporter VS Correspondent, Stringer, Freelancer, Photo Journalism, Elements of Photography, Cartoonist, Illustrator, Working of the News- Room, Headlines, major Printing Processes, Sources from where copy comes, News Agency, Syndicates, News Evaluation, News Values, Editing Processes, Guidelines and Principles of Editing, Copy-editing, What is an Editorial, Types and structure of editorial, Proof Reading Language skills for the desk, Writing the headline, Newspaper Make-up, Planning of Pages, Front Page, Overview of Indian Newspaper Types of Newspapers, Growth of TV VS Newspaper
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Working of the News Room©
Working of the News Room- Cordination Process, Business Administration, Advertising Department, Circulation Department, Mechanical Department, Editorial Department and News Desk
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Editing Process of Newspaper©
Editing Processes, Guidelines for rewriting, revising, and some basic principles of editing, How to Copy Edit a Story, Tips of Editing, Detecting and Correcting Errors, Four types of Editorials, Structure of an Editorial, Reading Proofs or Proof Reading
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Organizational Structure of a newspaper© universityofcalicut.
Editorial Department, Business Department, Mechanical Department, Structure of Editorial Department, Principles of reporting
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Future of Magazine Journalism©
Magazine Churn, Digital magazines, Magazine Apps
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New Trends in Magazine Journalism© Recent trends of print media in development communication by Dhanshri M. Patil-
The magazine trends, New Media Impact on Print Media.
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Types of Printing Presses©Alefiya Saify-
Various types of Printing Press: Relief Printing, Plano graphic printing, Screen Printing, Letter Press Printing, Gravure Printing
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Steps of Newspaper Production©Ayushi Singh-
Steps of Newspaper Production: Gathering, Pre Press, Press; Printing and Folding: Printing, Folding, Fast Press
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Challenges and solution of small newspaper© Ayushi Singh-
Small Newspaper; Major Challanges of Small Newspapers
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Printing Technology and Production© UGC NET Mass Communication, Arihant Publication.
Types of Printing :Letterpress Printing, Offset Printing, Flexography, Gravure Printing, Screen Printing, Electrostatic Printing, Embossing ;Major printing Processes :Letterpress Printing, Rotary Letterpress Printing, Platen-type Letterpress Printing, Flat-Bed Cylinder Letterpress ;Relief Printing Process, Screen Printing Process, Elements of Screen Printing ;Planographic Printing: Lithography, Offset.
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A Broad Overview Of Broadcasting Legislation In India©Siddharth Narrain, NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad.
IT Act, TRAI, Indian Wireless Telegraphy; Radio Services; Second Round of FM Licenses, Cross-Media Ownership, News and Current Affairs Programmes, Code of Conduct, 3rd Phase of Private FM Radio Broadcasting, Community Radio, Satellite Radio and Policy; Prasar Bharti Act, Regulation of Cable Television, Indecent Representation of Women Act, Cinematography Act, Downlinking Guidelines, DTH Guidelines
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Print Media as an Industry (Hindi)© Prateek Yadav-
Introduction of Print Media, Evolution of Print Media in India, Evolution of Internet and Technology in Print Media, Print Media as an Industry
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A Brief History of Television in India© Sodhganga-
Television in India— a chronology of events, Doordarshan A Television Channel, Cable and Satellite Television, Cultural orientation
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A History of Journalism© Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Journalism: Publishing Across Media-
Acta Diurana, Gutenberg’s printing press, The Rise of the Penny Press, Major New York Newspapers, Thomas Nast, the “Father of the Political Cartoon, Network television begins, The assassination of President Kennedy, Social media in breaking news, The first Pulitzer Prizes for Internet-based journalism
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Basic Principles in news writing© Slideshare-
Lead:Hard lead, Feature Lead; Hard News Vs Feature, Understanding and writing a lead, Elements of Features Story, 5 ‘W’s and H
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Basic Principles of News Article Writing For Scientific Staff of KVKs© Zonal Project Directorate, Zone-III Indian Council of Agricultural Research Umiam, Meghalaya-
Introduction; What is news article; How to write news article; Structure of news article: Writing news headline, Essentials of Writing Lead, Body of news article, Add the Tail, Precautions to be taken before reporting News article
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Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of Radio and TV News by Andrew Boyd© Andrew Boyd-
News Gathering, Writing for Broadcast, Interviewing, The News Programme, Presenting the News, Duties and Dilemmas, Inside the BBC World Service, Radio News Coverage, The Equipment, Television, How Television Works, TV News Coverage, TV Scriptwriting, Compiling the report, The News Studio, Publish back the frontiers
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The Handbook of Journalism Studies© Karin Wahl-Jorgensen Thomas Hanitzsch-
Introducing Journalism studies, News Production, News content, Journalism and Society, Journalism studies in a Global Context
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Writing for the Media© Usha Raman-
Understanding what makes news, News gathering, Newswriting, News Editing
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Television in India© Shodhganga-
Brief history of Television in India
Television channels and networks, The Cable Television, Conditional Access System, Satellite Television, Internet Protocol Television. Begining of the news on Television; Introduction of news channels in India, Reporting and Writing Television news, Editing the Television news, The language of Television news, Latest technologies in Television news broadcasting, The modern Television Newsroom, Brief history of Doordarshan and Zee group and their News Channels, Progrmmes of Indian DD News, Brief History of Zee Group and Zee News
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Communication Media in India© Shodhganga-
Communications Media in India: Print Media, Radio Broadcasting, Television Broadcasting, Film Industry and New Communication Technologies in India, The Future of Indian Communication Media; FM Broadcasting in India :Concept and Birth of FM, FM Radio Policy, Assessment and Challenges of FM Radio, Uses and Gratification Approach; Social Significance of the Study
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Community Radio for Change©, published by ActionAidpdfView and Download
Concept of Media© Shodhganga
Introduction, Meaning, Characteristic of Media, Impact of Media on Society, Origin and Development of Media, Types of Media; Visual and Non-Visual Media; An Overview of the Mass Media in Indian Scenario, Historical Background of Media in India; Present Media Scenario, Statistics on Media; Ownership Patterns of Media in India; History of development of Media; Laws in India: Media and Constitution of India, Major Media Laws in India
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Different Styles of writing news, headlines, Lead and Body© Shodhganga
Writing news, The process of writing news, inverted pyramid, Linked boxes structure of news, Feature story structures, forms of newspaper news, Writing headlines, Choosing and designing news headlines, Verbs in headlines, Punctuation, Counting the headline, Writing news Leads, Kinds of leads, The body of the story, Selecting the information for a story, Choosing a narrative structure, Transitions, Chronology, Changing context and place, Multiple source and points of view, Middles and endings of the story, Strong conclusions of the story, Keep the reader’s interest
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Feature writing© egyankosh
Introduction, Objectives, The Main Components of a Feature: The Lead, The Body and The Conclusion; Different Types of Features, Techniques of Feature Writing
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Cross Media Ownership: Political, Economic Perspective© Shodhganga.
Media Ownership-The Shrinking Base, Ownership concentration: the political cost, Democracy, Pluralism and Media Concentration
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National Media Policy— Evolution
of the Broadcast Bill
© Shodhganga.
Pattern of ownership in Indian Media, Cross Ownership/Common Ownership, the RNI findings, Cross Media Ownership: History and Evolution of the Broadcast Bill, First Broadcast Bill, India’s National Media Policy: Political Parties’ Perspective, Left Parties, Congress, Bhartiva Janata Party (BJP), Cross Media Curbs— Diversity of Opinion, Pro-curbs, Implementation, the practical way.
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Cross Media Holdings: A Global Overview© Shodhganga.
Media Ownership Policies across the Globe, Disparities in Regulation, Separating ownership from control
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Cross Media Ownership: Current Trends in India© Shodhganga.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), A Growing Digital Media, A booming advertising industry, A growing regional language media, No independent media watchdog group,
Murdoch in India, New media, new style, Television, the primary source of information, Foreign investment in Indian media, FDI. how and what.
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India’s Media Barons© Shodhganga.
BENNETT COLEMAN & CO. LTD. (Times Group), Zee Television Network, LIVING MEDIA INDIA LTD (India Today Group), New Delhi Television Ltd. (NDTV), Reliance Industries Ltd.
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Cross Media Ownership: A Survey© Shodhganga.
Methodology, Results of the Survey, Conclusion
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Cross Media Ownership: Current Trends in India© Shodhganga
Foreign Direct Investment, A Growing Digital Media, A booming advertising industry, A growing regional, language media, No independent media watchdog group, Murdoch in India, New media, new style, Television, the primary source of information, Foreign investment in Indian media.
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Formats of Radio Programmes©
Factors to be taken into account for making a radio programme, Spoken word, Types of radio formats, Information technology based formats.
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Freelance and Magazine Writing© egyankosh.
Objectives, Introduction, Overview and Scope of Freelance Writers, How Freelance Writing Works, Who call be a Freelance Writer, Freelancing of Another Kind, How to be a Successful Freelancer : Some Tips, Magazine Writing, Magazine Types, Freelancing for Magazines, Ideas for Magazine Articles, Cultivate Keen Observation Faculty, How to Build an Article, Style for Magazine Article, The Future for Freelancing
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The Complete Book of Feature Writing by Leonard Witt© pjnet.orgBookView and Download
Fundamentals of Good Writing- Writing the news story, lead, structure.© egyankosh
Introduction, Habits to Acquire to be a Good Writer, Qualities of Good Writing, News Story Revisited, Tlie Inverted Pyraniid, Good Feature and Magazine Writing, Techniques for Good Writing, The Accuracy and Attribution, Getting Ideas and Sources of Information, Revise and Rewrite.
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History of Broadcasting in India© Shodhganga
Broadcasting from Bombay and Madras, The Indian Broadcasting Company, The Princely States, The All India Radio, Categories and Programs
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History of Mass Media© University of Calicut, School of Distance Education.
Evolution of Indian Press, Freedom Movement and the Press, Mahatma Gandhi as a Journalist, Press Council of India (PCI), First and Second Press Commission Report, Indian Newspaper Society (INS), Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC), Genesis of Internet, History of Malayalam Journalism, Role of Malayalam Press in the Freedom Struggle, Legends of Journalism, Indian Broadcast Media, FM Broadcast, Future of Radio, SITE, Prasar Bharti, Broadcasting Codes, The World of Cinema, Short Films, History of Malyalam Cinema, Great Master of World Cinema
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Interviewing skills required for reporting© egyankosh
Objectives, Introduction, Importance of the Interview, How to prepare for an interview, How to get an Interview, Dos and Donts for any Interview, The Interview as an Extension of the conversion, Tips of the Live Interview, Interview Skills, How to Establish Rapport with the Interview.
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Introduction to ManagementIntroduction, Objectives, Meaning of Management, Characteristic of Management, Different Interpretation of the word 'Management', Nature of Management, Levels of Management, Functions of Management, Scientific Management, Principles of Management.pdfView and Download
Understanding Media Economics© What is Media Economics about, Macroeconomics and Microeconomics, The Firm in Economics Theory, Competitive Market Structures, Market Structure And Behaviour, What is so special About the Economics of the Media, Key Economics Characteristics of the Media, Economics of Scale, Economics of scope. pdfView and Download
Introduction to Print Media ©
Newspapers, History of Printing, Newspapers Printing in India, Cultural Awakening and Freedom Movement, Advent of Modern Technology, Size of Newspapers, Internet Papers and Editions, Other forms of Print Media, Differences between Print and Electronic Media, Largest Circulated Dailies.
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Journalistic Writing©
Introduction, Qualities of good writing, The Process of Writing, Parts of Speech, Basic Clause Patterns, Voice, Modifier and Sentence Types, Reported Speech, News Writing, Paragraph Writing, Essay Writing, Expository Writing, Research Writing, Editorial Writing, Writing Features, Articles, Analysis, Press Release, Reviews and Columns, Letters to Editors, Broadcast and Web News Writing, The Art of Interviewing.
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Media and Ownership Patterns of Mass Media© SlideShare.
Meaning, Need of Media, Ownership Patterns of Mass Media (Public and Private Ownership)- Newspapers, Magazines, Films, Radio.
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News Agency© shodhganga.inflibnet.
Function of news agency, History of news agency Journalism in India, Challanges of news agency, National and International News Agency, News Content Coverage, News Agency role in photo journalism, Internet Challange to News Agencies.
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News Gathering and Reporting© SlideShare.
Deciding What is News, News Reporting in the Digital Age, Categories Of News and Reporting, The News Flow, The Wire Services, Media Differences in News Coverage, Readership and Viewership.
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News Gathering and Reporting© shodhganga.inflibnet.
Deciding What is News, News Reporting in the Digital Age, Categories Of News and Reporting, The News Flow, The Wire Services, Media Differences in News Coverage, Readership and Viewership.
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Newspaper Structure and Terminologies© shodhganga.inflibnet.
Newspaper and Magazines, Circulation, Advertising, Audit Bureau of Circulation, Reporting, The Editorial Process, Indian Readership Survey, Newspaper Production, News Bureau, Newspaper Categories, Registrar of Newspapers for India, Advertising Agency, Advertising Agencies Association of India.
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Reporter, Press, Theories and Journalistic Terminologies©
Reporter and Journalism, Function of the Press, Attributes of a Reporter, Gathering the News, The Newsroom, Theories of the Press, Journalistic Terminologies, News Judgement, What is News, Assessing News Value, Determinants of News, Elements of News, Functions of the Lead.
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News Reporting and Editing© universityofcalicut.
Organisational Structure of a Newspaper- Editorial, Business and Mechanical Department, Structure of Editorial Department, Pinciples of reporting, Contents of a newspaper- news and news determinants, Types of News, Principles of reporting, Features, Editorial, Article, Interview, Reporting Practices, Structure of a news story, Lead, Sources of News, Principles of Translation, Investigative Journalism, Sting Operation, International News Agencies, Indian News Agencies, Editing Process, Writing Headlines, Newspaper Layout
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What is News.©
Definition of News; Difference between News and Information; What makes news; News values; Credibility, Objectivity and Fairness; News as a tool- Positive and Negative.
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News Reporting and Writing©
Storytelling, The Five Ws and H, Finding the Story, Researching the Story, Interview, Inverted Pyramid, Reporting the Story, Multiple Element Story.

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Newsroom and the Production Team© sg.inflibnet.
Newsroom and the Production Team, Responsibilites of Producer and Director, Script Writing and Production Phase, Camera, Light and Audio for News Bulletins, Microphones, Selection, Writing and Editing of News, Compilation and Presentation of Bulletins, EFP, Live transmission and Special report, Voice Over and Background Voice, Planning & executing Current Affairs programs.
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Media ownership and its impact on media independence and pluralism© mironvi-institute.
Introduction, Legislation- Protecting the interest of the state or the citizens, Media Privatisation, Media Markets, Parallel Markets, Significant Individuals, Media Independence- Legal Provisions pertaining To Media Independence, Collective Agreements, Journalists Organisations, pressures, Corruption And
Ethics, Investigative Journalism; Recommendations.
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Associated Press statement of News Values and Principles©
Standard Practices- Anonymous sources: Audio, Bylines, Corrections/Correctives, Datelines, Fabrications, Graphics, Images, Obscenities, Profanities, Vulgarities, Privacy, Providing Attribution, Quotations, Responses, Use of other material, Conflicts of Interest, Financial Interest, Freelance Work, Outside appreances, Political Activities
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What is News, News Value, Sources of News© egyankosh.
Introduction,Definition of the news, Ingredients of the news, News Values, News Sources, Further Reading.
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Photo Journalism©
Meaning of Photo Journalism, Types of Photo Journalism, Composition, Photo Feature and Photo Editing.
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Opinion and Editorial Writing© egyankosh.
Introduction, Quality People Read Edit Page, Importance of Editorials, The Editorial Page, Should Editorials Always be Adversarial, Nehru on Editorial Freedom, Definition and Characteristic of Editorials; Policy, Style and Guidelines; Letters to the Editor, Difference between Editorial and other Newspaper Writings.
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Journalism Education© shodhganga.inflibnet.
Role of Journalists, Significance of Journalism Education, Need for Gender-Sensitive Journalism Education, Journalism Education and Women Journalists, Communication Studies, Growth of Journalism Education in Tamil Nadu, Features of Communication Studies, Journalistic Components, Visual Communication, Development-Oriented Components, Asian College of Journalism, Journalism Educators Responses, Attitudes of Women Students towards Journalism, Journalistic Skills in Women Students, Gender Sensitization, Placements of Women Students.
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Photo Journalism© rccmindore.
Meaning and Definition of Photo Journalism, Growth and Developments, Camera: Types and Parts; Photography: Elements & principles; Lens: different types of lenses: Normal, wide, telephoto, Zoom, Fish eye Lens and close up lens; Focal length, aperture, shutter speed, depth of field, Focusing exposure; Exposure meter, Film: Nature, speed and types of film; Lighting Arrangement: Different light sources. Electronic flash, shutter synchronization, lighting principles; Composition: Basic elements of composition rule of thirds; Digital Photography.
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Qualities and Responsibilities of a Reporter© egyankosh.
General Qualities and Responsibilities of a Reporter, Essentials Qualities of a Reporter, Dealing with Corporate News, Reporting Communal Conflicts.
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Radio and Television© University of Calicut.
Organisational structure of radio station -types of radio stations: AM and FM - Radio Programme Formats: talk, news and music formats; Writing for the ear, radio news writing, radio script writing, radio drama, radio documentary, radio feature, radio commentary, radio talk, radio magazine programmes, radio interviewing techniques, radio news reading, Radio jockeying, online radio, new trends in radio; Characteristics of television as a medium, Organizational structure of a television station, cable TV, home video, DTH television programme formats; Scripting for television programmes, TV interviewing structure of TV news, TV news gathering, news writing, news anchoring, Video jockeying, new trends.
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Radio: A Historical Perspective© egyankosh.
Radio Comes to India, AIR is Born, Radio in India, Akashvani in the service of the people, News Services, Educational Radio, Specisl Audience Programmes, VIvidh Bharatii, Audience Research.
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Radio and Television© ddegjust.
Radio & Television as Mass Media: Strength and Weakness of Radio and Television, History of Radio and Television, Present Scenario of Radio and Television, Role of Electronic Media, Reach of Radio and Television, Future of Radio and Television, FM and Privatization of Radio; Radio Production: Radio Production Formats, Equipments of Radio Production, Stages of Radio Programme Production, Types of Radio Programmes, Writing for Radio; Television Programme Production: Phases of Television Production, Pre Production, Production, Post Production, Video Formats, Terminology used in Television Production, Camera Movements; Editing for Radio and Television: Presentation of Content, Process of Electronic Editing, Equipment and Software of Electronic Editing; AIR and Doordarshan: Organizational Structure of All India Radio, Organizational Structure of Doordarshan; Radio and Television Broadcasting: Basic Concepts of Broadcasting, Signal Processing.
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Radio: A Medium of Mass Communication© egyankosh.
Concept of Communication, Functions of Communication, Types of Communication, Mass Communiation, Characteristics of Radio, The Role of Radio, Radio Programming: Today and Tomorrow.
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Radio Journalism and Production© niilmuniversity.
History and Development; All India Radio Services; Vividh Bharati; Radio Genres: E.G. News Bulletins, Radio, Features/ Documentaries, Talks, Interviews, Disc Jockey Programme, Quiz; Organization and Management of AIR; Audience Research Units; International Radio Broadcasting: BBC, VOA. etc.; Writing Radio Reviews.

Radio Interview Panel Discussions and Features; Planning and Conducting Various Types of Interviews; Factual, Opinions and Ideas; Emotional Responsibility; Factuality and Credibility; Music; Spoken Word; Talks; Discussions; Radio Plays and Features; Specific Audience; Programmes; for Children and Women; External Broadcasts; Radio Commentary on Events; Vividh Bharati; FM Radio and its Urban Impact.

Elementary Study Microwave Communication Systems; Satellite Communication and Broadcasting; Digital Methods of Communication; Computer Communication; Satellite Distribution System; Ground Receiving and Transmission Systems: Up-linking and Down-linking Systems; Radio Networking and Television Broadcasting Satellite.
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Radio Journalism and Production© nraismc.
Radio as a medium, Characteristics of radio, Limitations of radio, Modes of Transmission- AM, FM; Analog Radio, Digital Radio, Internet Radio, Radio Programme Formats- Talk Radio, Radio Interviews, Radio discussions, Radio features and documentaries, Radio Play, Radio News; Writing for the Ear: Characteristic of spoken word; Radio Production: Elements of radio productions, Acoustics, Sound effects, Types of RF Filters, Microphones, Recording Devices, Record Setting and Recording Formats, Editing Softwares in Radio.
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Reporter, Press theories and Journalistic Terminologies.©
Reporters and Journalism: what is Journalism, Function of the Press, The Reporter; Attributes of a Reporter; Gathering the News in Radio: The Newsroom, Calls and Contacts; Theories of the Press: Authoritarian Media Theory, Soviet-Communist Media Theory, Libertarian Theory, Social Responsibility Theory, Democratic Participant Theory, Development Media Theory; Journalistic Terminologies; News and News Judgement, Rudiments of News Story, Writing for Newspaper; Lead, Body; The Language of News Writing,Function of the Lead, News and News Judgement: What is News, Assessing News Value, Determinants of News, Elements of News; Preparing Broadcast Copy, Writing for the Ear: Five Principles, Copy Sound, Interviewing, Internet: Computer Assisted Journalism, Navigating the Net, Using the Browser, Legal Pitfalls on the Internet; Defamation, Privacy, Contempt of Court, Copyright Act; Concept of Press Freedom, Regulation of Mass Media, Newspaper Amendment Act 1964, Disclosure of source of Information, Court Reporting, Ethics and Journalism, Codes of Journalistic Ethics, Ethical Issues in Nigerian Journalism.
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Reporting and Editing© academia.
Definition of reporting and Editing, How to gather news, Types of News, Basics facts about reporting, Qualities of a good news story, Breaking news, exclusive or scoops, Qualities of a good reporter, Investigative reporting and interpretative reporting, Editors, Editing a copy, Tools of a sub-editor, Editing on Computer, Layout of Pages, Ethics of Reporting
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Citizen Journalism and Public Sphere© academia.
Citizen Journalism, Public journalism, Alternative and activist journalism, The public sphere, The network society, Social capital and the journalistic field, Citizen journalism in practice, Mainstream media’s citizen journalism,
Hyperlocal, Activist citizen journalism, Issues in citizen journalism, Accusations of bias
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Reporting Techniques & Skills©
The Business of Mass Media & Reporter, Gathering the News: Reporting & Reporters, Training & Qualifications to be a reporter, Reporting for Newspapers, Types of interviews, News Reporting, Investigative or Interpretative Reporting, A nose for News, elements of News, Functions of News, News Sources. Skills for Writing News: Structure for news story, The Inverted Pyramid, Writing the Lead, Types of Leads, Headlines, Four functions of a headline, Types of News Writing. Types of Reporting: Crime Reporting, Court Reporting, Health Reporting, Civic Reporting, Political Reporting, Business Reporting, Science & Technology Reporting, Sport Reporting, Culture Reporting, Civil Administrative Reporting, Education Reporting, Development Reporting, Magazine Writing, Article Writing, Editorial Writing guidelines, Writing Letter to Editor, Writing Film Review, Writing Book Review, New paradigm features. Photojournalism, photojournalist,
Uses of Photography, Elements of Photography,
Role of Visualizations, Photo Editing in newspaper, India's Top Cartoonists, Cartooning
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Television in India©
Evolution of Television, History of Television in India, Emergence of Private Television Channels, Impact of Television in our daily lives, New Trends in Television.
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Television Journalism©
Basic Principles of News Writing- AP Style, Headlines, Ethics. News Style, Kicker, Subhead, Billboard, Nutshell paragraph, Inverted pyramid structure, Feature style, News Values, Conditions for News, Audience perceptions of news, History of news, Rise of the newspape, Newswire, Radio and television, Internet, News media today, Newspaper, Television, News agencies, Global news system, New World Information and Communication Order, News values, Social organization of news production, Public relations, News consumption, Public sphere, Types Of Leads, Online advertising, News Programme, Tv News Broadcasting, Television Reporting, Etymology of "anchor", Journalistic freedom, Qualities Of A Reporter, Roles & Responsibilities of Reporter, Evolution and purpose of codes of journalism, Campaigning in the media, Functioning of News Bureau, History of news bureaus, Piece to Camera, Vox POP, Types of interviews, Political Reporting,Economic Reporting, Investigative journalism, Sports Reporting , Science & Environment Reporting, Development Reporting , Structure of a news channel, Functioning of Newsroom, Television News Presentation
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Television Journalism © egyanagar.osou
History of Television Journalism, Organizational structure of TV News Channels, TV News Room, Production Desk, Writing for Visuals, Different Types of TV Production, Anchoring for Television, SITE, Cable and Satellite TV transmission, DTH, IPTV, Editing of Bites, Anchor script, News Bulletin, News features, Presentation/Anchoring.
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The community radio movement in India ©
Historical context, Community radio policy, challenges for community radio stations, current push behind the CR movement.
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Editorial© What is an Editorial? The Language of Editorials, The Structure of Editorials, Column, Letters to the Editor, Editorial Cartoon, Elements of Editorial CartoonspdfView and Download
TV Journalism & Programme Formats©
Similarities and differences between print and broadcast journalism, Differences between television and radio journalism, TV Journalism, Advantages and Disadvantages of television journalism, The process of television journalism, Live news reports, Principles of writing for visuals, steps for producing the perfect news story, Script format for television scripts, Piece to Camera, Principles of effective presentation, Programme format of reporting, Journalistic beats, Sources, Research, News values and principle, Three basic things for a good reporter, Types of interviews, Principles for conducting an effective interview, Live Shows, Anchoring a Show, Principles for effective anchoring of shows, Qualities of a news anchorr, Programme Production, Packaging for a channel, Significance of packaging for news channels, Elements of packaging in news channels
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Types of News Reporting: Objectives, Interpretative, Investigative and Crime© egyankosh.
The Lead, The Body, Interpretative Reporting, Investigative Reporting, Crime Reporting: Crime as News, Fires, Homicides, Accidents
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What is Journalism?© shodhganga.inflibnet.
History of Journalism in India, Bollywood/Entertainment/Cine Reporting
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Writing for the Media© University of Calicut.
Communication:An Introduction, Classification of Communication: Intrapersonal Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Group Communication, Mass Communication, Involvement of Mass Media, Instantaneous Dissemination, Slow Feedback, Filtering Process, Open Access, Transience and Permanence. Print Media: Historic perspective, Scope of Print Media, Newspapers, Advantages of newspapers over TV/Radio, Drawbacks of newspaper, Contents of a Newspaper, Writing a News Story, Structure of a News Story, Different types of Leads, Features: Structure of a Feature, Article Writing, Structure of an Article, Editorial Writing, Structure of an Editorial, Letters to the Editor, Book Reviews, Film Review, Interview, Press Releases or News Releases, Press Conference, Press meet, Freelancing, Editing Process, Functions of the editor, Proof Reading, Subbling, Caption Writing, Technical Writing. Electronic Media: Features of Electronic Media, Radio, Advantages and Disadvantages of Radio, Features of Broadcasting, Radio Interviews, Television. Digital Media: Disadvantages, Writing for Web, Blogs. Advertising: Advantages and Disadvantages, impact of advertising. Stylistics and the Media.
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WRITING FOR THE MEDIA© University of Calicut.
Mass Communication, Print Media, Development of Print Media, Importance of Audience, Feature Writing, How to Write a Feature- Structure of a Feature, Feature Writing, Article Writing, Structure of an Article, Editorial Writing, Letters to the Editor, Book Reviews, Film Review, Interview, Writing a News Story, Different types of Leads, Freelancing, Editing, Subbing, Proof Reading, Writing an Article for a Magazine, Different types of leads. Electronic Media: Radio as a Medium of Mass Communication, Characteristics and Strength of Radio, Challanges, How to Broadcast news on Radio, Radio News, Radio Features, Interviews, Documentaries, Film making, Types of Documantary, Radio Interviews. Digital Media: Writing for Web, Blogs. Advertising: Advertising through Print Media, Promotional Literature : Pamphlets, leaflets, Brochures, Classifieds. Stylistics and The Media: Style and Structure.
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Print Media and Photojournalism©
Concept & Requirement of Journalism, Journalism in America, Growth of Journalism in India, Importance of Journalism, News: Definitions, Nature of News, Hard & Soft News, News Value, Celebrity Journalism, Trends in modern journalism, Progress of Journalism till today. News Media Operations: Three Modes of Daily Journalism, Approaches of Journalism, Agenda setting function of the National media, Press Organizations. News Agency Journalism: News agencies in India, Functioning & role of PTI and UNI, International News Agencies, Feature, Syndicates. Photo Journalism: Elements and principles, Point of Interest, Rule of Thirds, Role of Visualizations, Photographer’s jargon. Photographic equipment: Cameras, The Role Film and the Cut Film, Compositions. Cameras and Photo: shutter, Film Format, Basics of Film Speed, Processing your Photo, photo editing, Types of Photos. Still Photography: Wildlife Photography, Disaster Photography, Sports Photography, Political Photography, Weather & Environment Photography, War Photography, Advertising Photography, Landscape Photography, News Photography. News values for pictures: Photo Features, Picture Magazines, Qualities Essential For Photojournalism, Color Photography, Impact Of Technology, Photography Lighting Techniques, Film Development, Photo Paper, Chemicals And Equipment.
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Education Television in India© shodhganga.inflibnet.
Educational Television at School Level, Infrastructure development, SITE Experiences, Educational Television in Higher Education, An Experimental Telesymposium, University Grants Commission - Television Project for
Higher Education, Countrywide classroom : (CWCR), Future Projections, Research Evidence.
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Evolution of Television© shodhganga.inflibnet.
Mechanical System, Electronic System, Evolution of Television, Television in India, Emergence of Private Television Channels, Television in Assam.
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Media and It's Effects and Scenario© shodhganga.inflibnet.
Communication for Development, Mass Communication and Society, Historical Perspective of Media Effects, Present Mass media Scenario, Print Media, Electronic media, The Problem.
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Present Trends of Newspapers in India© Shodhganga
Threats to newspapers, Global trends in newspapers, Indian newspapers, Indian newspapers: Some Negative Trends, new trends in newspapers.
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Media Ethics© egyankosh
Code Of Ethics For Media, Being Ethical In Print Media, Ethical Norms For Audio-Visual Media, Freedom Of Press And Right Of Privacy, Remedial Measures For Maladies In Mass Media , Social Responsibility And The Media, Ethics In Producing And Screening Of Movies, Media Ethics: Practical Applications And Solutions.
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Dimension of Development Communication© Shodhganga.
Concept of Development, Paradigms of Development, Basic Needs Approach, Integrated Rural Development, Self Help Groups in Development, Culture in Development, Participatory Development, Sustainable Development, Theoretical Approach Towards Development
Communication, Cultural Imperialism, Participatory Communication, Components of Participatory Communication, Entertainment–Education, Sonagachi Project, an Example of Participatory
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Theoretical perspectives of Development and Development
© Shodhganga.
Development Communication, Concept of Development Communication, Modernization Theory, Dependency Theory, Globalization Theory, Alternative Development Theory, Participatory Communication Theory, Social Marketing Theory, Development Support Communication, Indian Theories of Development, Gandhian Model of Devleopment, Nehruvian Model , Impact of Globalization In Developmnt Communication In India, Health Communication Theory, Theories of Persuasion, Social Marketing And Health, Social Cognitive Theory, Difussion of Innovasion.
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Limitations of self-regulation for the press© Shodhganga.
Limitations of Self-Regulation, Adjudicatory Mechanism of the Press Council, Complaints regarding threat to Press freedom, Unsafe Journalists, Complaints against the Press, Principles and Publications, Press and Morality, Press and Defamation, Issues and Challenges, Fake News and Rumors, Paid News, 200th and 255th Report of Law Commission, Trial by Media, International Conventions on Fair Trial, Free Speech and Fair Trial, Impact of Prejudicial Reporting, Reasonableness of Restrictions on Sub-judice Matters, Doctrine of Postponement , Yellow journalism, Sensitization vs. Sensationalism, Reckless and Sensational Media Coverage.
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Development Communication: History and
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Concepts and definitions in higher education©
Type of institutions, Provisions under ugc act, 1956, Faculty, Department and programme , Mode of higher education, Management of university /college/institution, Reservation
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Historical Development of TV In India© Shodhganga.
History Of Indian Television Scenario, Can India Afford- An Expensive Medium, Television As An Experimental Basis, Inauguration Of Indian Television, Expansion Of Indian Television, Commercials In Television, Bifurcation, Colour Television, National Programmes, Teletext, Low Power Transmitters, Regional Language Programmes, Audience Research, Awards For TV Programmes, Future Plans, Committee On Broadcasting And Information Media, Technical Committee:, Dr.Vikram Sarabhai, Verghese Committee, Working Group On Software For Doordarshan, Objectives of Doordarshan
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Impact of Mass Media© egyankosh.
Characteristics of Mass. Media, Impact of Mass Media, Mass Media in,India, Impact of Radio, Impact of Films, Impact of Television, Video, Cable TV and Satellite, Nature of Media Effects, Mass Media Effects and Society, impact of Journalism, Changing Face of the Press, Effects of the Press, Radio : Medium for the Masses, Local Broadcasting, Developmental Use of TV, Effects of TV, Video Magazine, Video and Political Campaigns, Cable Television.
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Mass Media: Introduction and Historical Perspectives© Shodhganga.
Mass Media, History of Indian media, and its regulations, HISTORY OF INDIAN MEDIA AND ITS REGULATIONS, Munro’s Recommendations, Press Ordinance Act, 1823, Liberators of the Indian Press, Licensing Act of 1857, Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867, The Dramatic Performances Act, 1876, Vernacular Press Act, 1878, The Indian Telegraphic Act, 1885, The Indian Council Act, 1892, The Newspapers (Incitement of offences) Act, 1908, The Indian Press Act, 1910, The Indian States (Protection Against Disaffection) Act, 1922, The Official Secrets Act, 1923, The Foreign Relation Act, 1932, The Indian States (Protection) Act, 1934, The Press Trust of India Ltd., 1948, The Press (Objectionable Matter) Act, 1951, Electronic Media, History of Electronic Media, Radio, Television, Mass Communication, Role of Media, Media and its accountability, Media and Right to Information, Research Methodology.
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Nature of Management©
A Science And A Profession, Levels Of Management, Managerial Skills, Evolution Of Management Thought, Contribution Of F.W. Taylor, Contribution Of Henry Fayol, Contribution Of Elten Mayo, Various Approaches To Management, Functions Of Management Planning, Types Of Plans, Forecasting, Decision Making, Organizing, Departmentation, Span Of Management, Centralization And Decentralization.
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Introduction to Management©
Introduction and Definition of Management, Functions of Management, Importance of Management, Administration and Management, Functions of a Manager, Roles performed by managers, Development of Management Thoughts, Contigency approach to management, Henry Fayol, Peter Ferdinand Drucker, Social Responsibilities of Companies, Government Social Responsibilities, Internal and External Business Environment, Organizational and Environmental Relationship, Definition and Nature of Planning, Types of plan, Forecasting and Decision making, Formal and Informal organization, Delegation of authority
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Management Concepts and Organizational Behaviour©
Definition of Management, Functions of Management, Importance of Management, Characteristics of Management, Process of Management, Nature of Management, Management Vs. Administration, Levels of Management , Managerial Skills, The Manager and his job, Principles of Management, Significance of Management, Planning, Decision Making, Delegation, Centralization and many more.
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Introduction to Mass Communication©
Fundamentals of Communication, Meaning and Definitions of Communication, Function, importance and elements of Communication, Aristotle’s Concept of Communication, Lasswell Model of Communication, Osgood and Shramm Model, David Berlo’s Model of Communication, Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication, Dance’s Helical Model of Communication, Components of Mass Communication, Mass Communication Process, Nature of Mass Communication, Mass media, Types of Mass Communication, Print Media, Newspapers, Role and characteristics of newspapers, Types of Newspaper, Structure of Newspaper Organisation. Magazine and Periodicals, Development and characteristics of magazines, Types of Magazines, Books, Characteristic of Books, Origin and Growth of Radio, Radio Broadcasting, Characteristics of Radio as a Mass Medium, Structure of a Radio Station, news Bulletin, Documentaries, Radio Scripts, Origin and Growth of television, Television broadcasting, Structure of a Television Station, Growth of Cinema, Types of Films, History of Internet, Social Media networks, Podcast, News Portal, Web Writing
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Human Communication© Guru Jambheshwar University- Sh. M. R. Patra and Dr. P. K. Jena.
Introduction to Mass Communication, Elements, Characteristics and Function of Mass Communication, Mass Media, Print Media, Electronic Media, Theories of mass Communication, Reach and Role of mass media, Effects of mass media, Definitions of Mass Communication, Gate keeping, Global Scenario of Mass Media, History of Mass Media in the Global Context, History of Mass Media in India, Radio in India, Newspapers in India, Television in India, FM and Privatization of Radio, Criticism of Newspaper Journalism, Organizational Structure of Newspapers, The Future of Newspapers, Strengths and Weaknesses of Radio and Television, Present Scenario of Radio and Television, Hypodermic Needle Theory, Two-Step-Multi-Step Theory, Commercial Theory, Play Theory, Theory of Selectivity, Agenda Setting Theory, Uses and Gratification Theory, Individual Difference Theory, Role of Mass Media in Democracy.
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Media in Development Communication© Payel Sen Choudhury (2011).
Use of technology in Development Communication, Use of mass media for development—Indian overview, Kheda Communication Project.
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Development Communication in India: Prospect, Issues and Trends© Vineet Kaul (2011).
Development Communication in India, Key Issues about Development Communication, Relevance of Development Communication In India, Conceptual Evolution, Interface of Communication and Development, Approaches and Perspectives to Development Communication, Extension and Community Development Method, The Mass Media Approach, Centralized Mass Media Method, Localized Mass Media Method, Integrated Approach, Development Communication Planning.
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Political Communication and Mobilization, The Hindi Media in India.© Taberez Ahmed Neyazi (2018).
Introduction: Political Communication and Mobilisation in India, Under Colonial Rule: Mobilisation in the Hindi and English Press, Media and Mobilisation in Independent India, Localisation, Grassroots Mobilisation and Hindi News Media, Political Economy of the Hindi Press, Te Hybrid Media System, Anti-corruption Movement and Political Mobilisation, Agenda-setting and Mobilisation in a Hybrid Media Environment, Conclusion: Politics, Power and Mobilisation in Digital India
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Print Media And The Challenges Of Social Media© Udenze, Silas.Print Media And The Challenges Of Social Media,
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
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Public Relations Through Print Media© Kamal, Kamalludin. (2014). Public Relations Through Print Media.
Public Relation Definition, Print Media Definition, PR in the light of Print Media’s History, Public Relations Tools, Print Media as a Tool in PR, Print Media is key for PR Acceleration.
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Public Relation Practices of Print and Electronic Media© Shodhganga.
Print Media in India, Electronic Media, On-Line Magazines, Impacts of Electronic Media on Print Media, Public Relation Practices in Print & Electronic Media, The Concept of Public Relation, Meaning and Definition of Public Relations, Evolution of Public Relation Management in Print & Electronic Media, Public Relation Practices in Post Independence Period, Stake Holders of Print & Electronic Media, The Characteristics of Public Relation Management, The Essentials of Public Relation Management, Seven C's of Communication and Public Relation Practices.
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Social Responsibility of Media And Indian Democracy© Soumya Dutta.
Media and Social Responsibility: The Normative Argument, Democracy, Media and the Public Sphere, Media and Indian Democracy.
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Use of social media in India and Political Communication© Aasita Bali. Use of social media in India and Political Communication, International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS).
Political communication and India, Political Communication and Social Media, Gurevitch and Political Communication–An Analysis, Channel multiplication and audience fragmentation, Narendra Modi.
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Language Press in India © shodhganga.inflibnet.
Brief History of the Press in India, Indian Press after Independence, The Structure and Nature of the Indian Press, Rural press in India, Definition of Rural Press, The Realities of Rural Press in India, State of Language Press, Growth of Language Press.
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Long Questions- Answer in Research.©
Meaning of Research Objectives And Types Of Research, Importance of Research, Types of Research Design, Characteristics of A Good Research Design, Meaning of Hypothesis And Characteristics of Hypothesis, Procedure Of Hypothesis Testing, Various Steps In Sampling Design, Different Types of Sample Designs, Various Methods Of Collecting Primary Data, Various Principles of Research Design, Research Process, Dependent And Independent Variables, .Meaning of Extraneous Variables, Meaning Of The Level of Significance, Meaning of Type I And Type II Errors.

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Mass Media and Communications© NCERT.
The Beginnings of Modern Mass Media, Mass Media In Independent India, Radio, Television, Print Media, Globalisation And The Media, Changes In Newspaper Production: The Role of Technology, Soap Opera.
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Mass Communication Concepts
& Processes
@ nraismc.
Meaning, Definitions ,Features and Characteristics of Mass Communication, Concept of mass & mass culture, Mass Culture, Mass Society, Today’s Mass Media Culture; Mass Communication & other forms: Intrapersonal & mass communication; Function of Mass Communication: Importance of Mass Communication, Importance of Mass communication, Meaning of Theories and Analysis, The Authoritarian Theory, The Libertarian Theory, The Soviet Communist Theory, The Social Responsibility Theory, Development Media Theory, Democratic Participant Theory, Study & Analysis of Four Press Theories, Tools of Mass Communication: Brief History of Newspaper, Future of Newspaper, Magazine, Radio, Strength and Weakness of the Radio, History of Television, Films, Records, Record Music Industry in India, Internet, Public Relations, Personal Attributes of a PRO, Folk Media & Traditional media, Journalism and mass Communication, Mass media and modern democracy, Print media in India, major Newspapers.
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A Profile Of Mass Media Communication System of India© shodhganga.
Press and Politics,History of Newspapers, News Agencies, History of Radio, History of Television, Technology Impact, Print Media, Elitism, Mass Communication, Significance of Mass Media, Traditional Media, Outdoor Media, Press Releases, Newsletters, Social Media and Blogging, Media Propaganda, Media Campaigns, Media Lobbying, Media Spin, Media Publicity, Advertising, Mass Media Behavior Of Government Sector, DAVP, Indian media, , Social Responsibility Of Media, Sources of News, Newspaper, Communication Technology, Guidelines On Reportage Of Cases Of Sexual Assault, Media Law, Reporting Restrictions, Sting Operation, Paid News, Putting Teeth into Journalism.
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Media in India: RAJ to SWARAJ© Shodhganga.
Indian Media: Philosophical Foundation, Media in India: Early Evolution, Indianization of Mass Media, Women in Print Media, Early Regulation, Media as the vehicle of national awakening, Towards A Free Press, Post-Independence Period and Press, Republican Constitution and Freedom of The Press, The Press Council, Election, Politics And Press: Nehru Era, Radio: A Governmental Venture, Radio: Regime’s Weapon, Indian Telivision: Incarnation of New Media, Media And Indira Gandhi, Regime’s Invisible Hand And The Media, Media: Ownership And Freedom,
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MEDIA MANAGEMENT© Odisha State Open University.
OWNERSHIP OF MEDIA: The pluralist theory of media ownership, Theories of media ownership and control, Factors that affect the nature of media ownership, Types of media ownership, The Marxist critique of media ownership and control, The media and ideology, Diversification, synergy and technological convergence, Global Trends in ownership and control, Newspaper Ownership in India; MEDIAAS BUSINESS: Media Personalisation, Evolution of Media industry. MEDIA ECONOMICS: Economic principles of media structure, The effects of ownership, Market media Reach, Mass media Governance, Media policy and policy making,. Media Economics: The role of Media in boosting Advertising, Income Sources of Media, Sources of income for a Radio station, Television and their sources of income, Sources of income for a Magazines, Outdoor Medium, Yellow Pages, The Press in Developing Countries, Integration of media organisations, Media Ownership in India, Market dominance in our country, TRAI’S Argument, The problem of paid news.
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Media Studies - I PRINT MEDIA© Premanand M E (
INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION: Introduction to Communication, Models of communication—Aristotle model, SMCR model, Shannon and Weaver mode, Types of Communication intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, mass communication, verbal and nonverbal communication. INTRODUCTION TO MASS MEDIA:: Various types of mass media and their characteristics Print media: Newspaper, magazine, books, Electronic media: TV, Radio, Journalistic Writing: Definition—
JOURNALISTIC WRITING: Vs Creative Writing, Print media content: News—news structure—inverted pyramid; hour glass; lead; various types of leads, News Reporting; Feature writing—Editorial—Specializations—The Women’s page Review(Book/Film/Theatre, etc) Magazine/periodical writing—
NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION: (Practical oriented) How to produce a Newspaper?—Design, layout, sub-editing, Caption writing, headlines. Print media terminology
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Media Economics ©
Worldwide media, Advertising revenues, Major Media Houses & their Holdings, Advertising & Media Industry, Advertising theory, Hierarchy-of-effects models, Types of advertising, Media and advertising approaches, Crowdsourcing, Global advertising, Foreign public messaging, Semiotics, Broadcasting As Business, Programmed Management, Broadcasting, Media planning, Sponsored program, Media Marketing, Market research, Television Rating Point(TRP), TRP Rating Method, Organizational Structure of Radio, Media Management, Organizational structure of Television.
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Media Organization and Management©
Meaning of Management, Different levels of Management, Principles and elements of management, Structure of an organisation, Hierarchical Levels. DEPARTMENTALIZATION: Coordination, Motivation, Dual Structur approach, Decision making, Centralization and Decentralization, INTERNAL & EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION, MEDIA ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT, News Agency, Ownership pattern of News Agency, Organizational Structure, Growth of News Agency in India, Difference in Operation of News Agency and Newspaper, FEATURE AGENCIES, Press Information Bureau, Registrar of Newspapers for India, Publication Divisions,Press Council of India, National Film Archive of India, National Film Development Corporation, Doordarshan, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, FTII, Structure of Media Ownership, HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING & PROCESS, Employee Motivation, Media Management Skills, ESTABLISHING A MEDIA ORGANIZATION, . Characteristics of Entrepreneurship, Question- Management.
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Media Law and Ethics©
Constitutional Provisions For Freedom Of Media, Major Media Laws In India, First Press Regulations (1799), Gagging Act (1857), Vernacular Press Act (1878), Indian Press Act (1910), Official Secrets Act (1923), The Press And Registration Of Books Act (1867), Contempt Of Court Act, Young Person's (Harmful Publications) Act (1956), Copyright Act (1957), Press Council Of India Act (1965), Right To Information Act, Media And National Security Laws, The Indian Media In National Security Strategy.
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Nature and Significance of Management©NCERT.
Introduction, concept, characteristics of management, Objectives of management, Nature and Importance of management, Management as an art, Management as a science, Management as a profession, Levels of Mangement, Functions of management, Coordination, Management in 21st Century.
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Management Concepts and Business Ethics© university of calicut.
Nature And Scope Of Management, Evolution Of Management, Schools Of Management Thought, Contributions Of Henry Fayol, General Principles Of Management, Management As A Science And An Art, Management Process Or Scope Of Management, Functions Of Management, Planning, Types Of Plans, Organising, Functions And Principles Of Organisation, Classification Of Organization, Organisation Structure, Functional Organisation, Responsibility, Types Of Delegation, Centralisation And Decentralisation, Span Of Control, Staffing, Man Power Planning, Recruitment And Selection, Selection, Training, Direction, Co-Ordination And Controlling, Co-Ordination, Controlling, Manager And Leader, Characteristics Of Leadership , Motivation, Theories Of Motivation, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, Management By Objectives (Mbo), Ethics, Culture And Values, Indian Ethos In Management (Iem), Business Ethics, Relevance Of Values In Management, Ethical Management.
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News Headlines: Nature and Functions© shodhganga.inflibnet.
Nature Of The Headlines, Forms Of Headlines, Unit Count In Headline, Banner Heads, Secondary Heads, Functions Of Headlines, Rules For Writing Headlines
Print Media/PdfView and Download
Major Hurdles and Challenges Plaguing The Indian Consumer Durables Sector, An Overview of TV Sets, Black and White TVs, Colour Tvs, Indigenization, MNC's in The Indian Market, Competitive Prices, TV Penetration In India, India's Rural TV Market, Indian MNC, Broadcasting And Cable TV Sector, DTH Service, Cable TV Services.
Electronic Media/pdfView and Download
Principles of Management© NCERT.
Evolution of Management Principles Evolution of Management Principles, Principles of Management: The Concept, Nature of Principles of Management, Significance of Principles of Management, Taylor’s Scientific Management, Techniques of Scientific Management, Standardisation and Simplification of Work, Differential Piece Wage System, Fayol’s Principles of Management, Fayol Versus Taylor — A Comparison, Questions related to Management
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Print Media Journalism©
What is journalism, Principles and functions of journalism, Journalism as a profession, Role and responsibilities of a journalist, Ethics of journalism, Professional and ethical standards for journalists, How to start a publication. PRESS LAWS: Freedom of press-Provisions in the Indian Constitution, Official Secrets Act, 1923, Contempt of Court Act, The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986, Laws of libel/defamation, Parliamentary Privilege. NEWS AGENCIES: AFP, AP, Reuters, Tass, PTI, UNI, Press Council of India, IFWJ, INS. NEWSPAPER ORGANISATIONS: Organizational structure of a newspaper, Editorial wing, Structure of the Editorial Department, Reporters and freelancers, Editor, News editor, Chief Sub editor, Sub Editor. NEWSPAPER CONTENT: News, News elements, Features, Editorial, Interviews, Cartoons, Reviews, Columns, Letter to the editor. Photojournalism. NEWS REPORTING: Inverted pyramid style, Types of Intros or Leads, News sources, Press conference or briefing, Meet the press, Principles of reporting. NEWS EDITING: Editing, Editing process, News Headline, Newspaper Design and Layout, Printing, Four major printing processes.
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Training Programme On PUBLIC RELATIONS/ PR Concepts© Anna Institute of Management Chennai, UNDP / DOPT, Government of India..
Definitions of Public Relations, Origin of Public Relations, Need For Public Relations, Functions of Public Relations, Elements of Public Relations, The Components And Tools of Public Relations, Some Possibilities That Would Call For Public Relations, Public Relations in Government, Need For Public Relations , Propaganda, Lobbying, Campaigns, Catastrophe, Public Relations Objective , Public Relations Strategy, Public Relations Process, Image Building Exercises, Effectiveness Surveys, Communication Programme, Message Development, Media, Essentials of Good Copy , Hints For Writing Press Release, While Handling Press Questions, Ten Principles of TV Media, Coping With Bad Publicity, Profile of Public Relations Officer, Work Assignments of Public Relations, Requirements For Success, Cantor's Traits For Success, Terms Used in Public Relations, Advertising And Mass Media, Doyle's Communications Chart.
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Introduction to Radio Journalism
Gathering; Processing and Production of News for Radio and Television; ENG-Comparison with Practices in Print Journalism; News and Current Affairs; Broadcasting Code; Broadcasting Policy; Chanda Committee Report; Varghese Committee Report; Joshi Group on Television Software.
Radio Broadcasting in India
History and Development; All India Radio Services; Vividh Bharati; Radio Genres: E.G. News Bulletins,
Radio, Features/ Documentaries, Talks, Interviews, Disc Jockey Programme, Quiz; Organization and
Management of AIR; Audience Research Units; International Radio Broadcasting: BBC, VOA. etc.; Writing Radio Reviews.
Radio Interview
Panel Discussions and Features; Planning and Conducting Various Types of Interviews; Factual, Opinions and Ideas; Emotional Responsibility; Factuality and Credibility; Music; Spoken Word; Talks; Discussions; RadioPlays and Features; Specific Audience; Programmes; for Children and Women; External Broadcasts; Radio Commentary on Events; Vividh Bharati; FM Radio and its Urban Impact.
Elementary Study:
Microwave Communication Systems; Satellite Communication and Broadcasting; Digital Methods of Communication; Computer Communication; Satellite Distribution System; Ground Receiving and Transmission Systems: Up-linking and Down-linking Systems; Radio Networking and Television Broadcasting Satellite.
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Understanding Development Communication© Dr. Tanu Dang, Assistant Professor (Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Urdu).
Understanding Development Communication, Nora C. Quebral, Fifth Theory of the Press, Everett M. Rogers, Role of Development Communication, Daniel Lerner, Radio as a Medium of Development Communication, Farm and Home Division of All India Radio, Radio Kisan Diwas, Gyan Vani, TV as a Medium of Development Communication, Kheda Communication Project, Indian National Satellite project, Educational programs (ETV), IGNOU-Doordarshan Telecast, New Media as a medium of Development Communication, E-CHOUPAL
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Television Media Industry in India© shodhganga.inflibnet.
Cable Networks, Dart, Tam & INTAM, Broadcast Audience Research Council, Media Planning And Media Buying, Understanding Media Planning And Buying, Leading Television Channels in India.
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