List of famous books and their authors in Journalism and Mass communication

The below given list of books and authors are the famous books and written by renowned journalist. The list are designed on the basis of asked questions in the previous year of UGC-NET exam. So, all the famous books and their authors are separated and listed for you in order to crack the exam of any mass communication entrance exam.

I hope you will like and get benefit of it in upcoming exams of UGC-NET or other.
Books Author
Beyond the lines: An Autobiography   Kuldeep Nayyar  
In jail Kuldeep Nayyar
Tales of Two cities Kuldeep Nayyar
India after Nehru Kuldeep Nayyar
India house Kuldeep Nayyar
The Judgment: Inside story of emergency Kuldeep Nayyar
Tragedy of Punjab: Operation Blue Star Kuldeep Nayyar
Distant Neighbors: A tale of subcontinent Kuldeep Nayyar
Scoop Kuldeep Nayyar
The Good, The Bad, and The Ridiculous Khuswant Singh
The Portrait of a lady Khuswant Singh
Death at my Door Step Khuswant Singh
Train to Pakistan Khuswant Singh
A history of Sikhs Khuswant Singh
I Shall not hear the nightingale Khuswant Singh
Why I supported the emergency Khuswant Singh
The End of India Khuswant Singh
We Indians Khuswant Singh
Land of five rivers Khuswant Singh
Obama’s wars Bob Woodward
Bush at war Bob Woodward
Plan of attack Bob Woodward
The price of politics Bob Woodward
The Final days Bob Woodward
All the president’s Men Bob Woodward
Waters of hope B. G Verghese
Winning The Future B. G Verghese
Namesake Jhumpa lahidi
Social marketing Philip kotler
Handbook of public Relation Philip  Lessely
Handbook of public Relation Sam Black
Mass media and national development Wilbur Schramm
Asian drama Gurnal Mirdal
The passing of Traditional society Daniel Learner
The Social Construction of Reality Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckman
The war of the worlds H.G wells
Understanding Media: The Extension of Man Marshall McLuhan
The Gutenberg GalaxyMarshall McLuhan
Media Ecology Marshall Mac Luhan
No Full stops in India Mark Tully
India in Slow Motion Mark Tully
The heart of India Mark Tully
Non-stop India Mark Tully
26/11: The Attack on Mumbai Veer Sanghvi
Men of Steel Veer Sanghvi
Rude Food Veer Sanghvi
India Then and Now Veer Sanghvi
Communication for Development: One World, Multiple Culture Jan Servaes
Designing message for development communication: An Audience Participation Bella Mody
Devi Mrinal pande
Daughter’s Daughter Mrinal Pande
The Subject is Woman Mrinal Pande
My own Witness Mrinal Pande
A bend in the River V S Naipaul
Half a Life V S Naipaul
Magic Seeds V S Naipaul
A Congo Diary V S Naipaul
Anticipating India Shekhar Gupta
Island of Blood Anita Pratap
Corporate Media, Elite Media Noam Chomsky
Public Opinion Walter Lippman
Meaning of Meaning I A Richards
Media Ecology Jurgen Habermas
The Media Equation Byron Reeves
Chitra Rabindranath Tagore
Devdas Sarat Chandra Chatterjee
Durgesh Nanidini Bankim Chandra Chaterjee
Gandevata Tara Shankar Bandopadhyay
Crystallising Public Opinion Edward L Bernays
The Power of Corporate Communication Paul A Argenti
Effective Public Relations Scott M Cutlip
Public Relation Strategy Sandra Oliver
Wealth of NationsAdam Smith


Books Authors
Power Plays John Fiske
Power Works John Fiske
Understanding Popular Culture John Fiske
Reading the Popular John Fiske
Television Culture John Fiske
Cultural Autonomy in Global Communication Cees Hamelink
Finance and Information Cees Hamelink
The Technology Gamble Cees Hamelink
The End of Ideology Daniel Bell
The Coming of Post-Industrial Society Daniel Bell
The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism Daniel Bell
The Overstory Richard Powers
Mind Without Fear Rajat Gupta
Changing India Dr. Manmohan Singh
We are Displaced Malala Yusufzai
Every Vote Counts Navin Chawla
The Third Wave Alvin Toffler
Television : The Critical View Horace Newcomb
Culture Inc Herbert Schiller
Seeing and Believing Greg Philo
Desperately Seeking Audience Ien Ang
Warrior of the Fourth Estate B. G Verghese
Future Shock Alvin Toffler
The Road Ahead Bill Gates
India’s Newspaper Revolution Robin Jeffrey
Small is Beautiful E. F. Schumacher
Indian Media Business Vanita Kohli
The World is Flat Thomas Friedman
Aeropagitica John Milton
On Liberty John Stuart Mill.
Men, Media and Messages Wilbur Schramm
India on Television Nalin Mehta
The Postmodern Condition J. F Lyotard
The agents of Power: The Role of the News Media in Human Affairs J. H Altschull
Development of UnderdevelopmentAndre Gunder Frank
Communication NetworksE. M Rogers
The Rise of Network SocietyManuel Castells
New Left ReviewStuart Hall
Culture and SocietyRaymond Williams
Empire and CommunicationHarold Innis

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