Established under the Central Universities Act, 2009 (Section 25 of 2009) as Central University of Bihar (CUB) and the name since changed by the Central Universities (Amendment) Act, 2014 to Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) is an institution of higher learning in the state of Bihar. With the motto, i.e. ‘Collective Reasoning’ the University has been conducting its academic and administrative activities from temporary premises in Patna and Gaya and looking forward to shifting to the permanent campus on a 300 acre plot of land at Panchanpur (near Gaya town).
he university offers hostel facilities for boys and girls both in Patna and Gaya, in rented buildings. CUB has developed a library having 20,000 books (Patna and Gaya together) to support academic curricula, teaching and research in various science and social science subjects. The library subscribes to 100 journals and periodicals of repute from across the world, and more than 8,000 online journals. The library is equipped with modern amenities, such as online services, online catalogue and digitisation.
In December 2013, the university got possession of 300 acres of land from the Government of India to establish the campus at Panchanpur, approximately 12 kms away from Gaya. The foundation stone was laid down by Hon’ble Smt. Meira Kumar, Chancellor of the university, on 27th February, 2014. The process of construction at the said site is in progress.
Centre for Mass Communication and Media
Centre for Mass Communication and Media (CMCM) has been established with an aim to promote quality media studies in higher education. It believes in fabricating effective communicator in field of print, electronic, online, films, advertising and public relations etc. During the last couple of decades the Media in the country has grown by leaps and bounds and is now rated amongst the four biggest Media industry of the world.
Centre for Mass Communication and Media has two Labs namely electronic media production lab and computer lab. Electronic media production lab is well equipped with professional cameras (Panasonic), audio console, video mixer and Apple Mac-Pro editing suite with necessary softwares. Computer lab comprises of a set of ten computers loaded with Quark Express, Adobe Master Collection CS 5.5 which consists of Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Adobe Premiere and Adobe Audition. Further, handy cameras, digital still cameras provision of film screening are also available in the lab. In future, the Centre plans to establish highly advance electronic media studio. Besides, Hindi and English newspapers and magazines are available to students to inculcate good reading habits; a television set with digital connection to give practical inputs regarding the latest trends in electronic media.
M.A. Communication & Media Studies Programme
The two year (four semesters) programme has been designed keeping in mind the current and future needs of media profession with provision of specializations in print, broadcast (radio and television), online and media research. The major thrust of the curriculum is to impart theoretical and practical knowledge of various aspects of media. The course is designed in such a way that it gives students an overall understanding of media with specialization in electronic journalism, electronic media production, online journalism and advance print. Industry training, institutional visits, field visits, live projects are integral components of the course. It enables the students to understand the functioning of various media institutes and acquaints them with demanding media culture.
Centre for Mass Communication & Media
Reception: 0631 – 2229 530
Admission: 0631 – 2229 514/518