The committee which looked into the problems of small newspapers

The committee which looked into the problems of small newspapers in India was headed by: 

(A) Justice Rajyadhaksha

(B) B. G. Verghese

(C) R. R. Diwakar

(D) Kuldip Nayyar

Correct Ans: (C)


The R. R. Diwakar Committee specifically studied the problems of small newspapers in India. Since small publications faced several challenges, the government formed this committee to analyze their difficulties. Most importantly, these newspapers struggled with financial constraints, limited circulation, and a lack of advertising support. As a result, they found it difficult to survive in the competitive media industry.

Furthermore, small newspapers could not compete with large media houses, which had better resources and wider readership. Due to their limited reach, they often failed to attract advertisers. Moreover, many did not receive government advertisements, which served as a major revenue source. Additionally, the high cost of printing and distribution created further financial pressure. Recognizing these challenges, the committee examined each issue carefully and proposed effective solutions. It recommended financial aid, fair advertising policies, and measures to ensure fair competition.

Although Justice Rajyadhaksha, B. G. Verghese, and Kuldip Nayyar contributed significantly to media reforms, they did not head this specific committee. Instead, R. R. Diwakar led the initiative and helped shape policies that provided much-needed government support to small newspapers. Consequently, these policies promoted media diversity and allowed small publications to thrive despite financial hardships.

Nivisha Kapoor- Author
Nivisha Kapoor

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