Below are the list of popular authors in the discipline of mass communication and their concepts or ideas. These type of questions are always asked in UGC NET exam conducted by NTA. S. no. Authors Idea/concept 1. Roland Barthes Anchorage 2. Stuart Hall Negotiated Code 3. John Fiske Communication test 4. F Parkin Radical System 5. Guy Debord Society of spectacle 6. Theodor Adorno Media as cultural Industry 7. James W Carey Ritual view of communication 8. Umberto Eco Mediated hyper-reality 9. EF Schumacher Intermediate technology 10. Julius Nyrere Popular Participation in development 11. Mahatma Gandhi Basic needs fulfillment 12. Robert Hornik Change in power relations for development 13. Daniel Lerner Modernizing variables and Empathy 14. Robert McNamara Integrated rural development 15. Ryan and Gross Diffusion of innovation 16. EM Rogers Change agent and Laggards 17. Donald Shaw and Maxwell McCombs Priming 18. Antonio Gramsci Coercion and consent 19. Wilbur Schramm Frames of reference 20. George Gerbner Resonance 21. WW Rostow Growth Theory 22. Shannon and Weaver Entropy 23. Marshall McLuhan Medium is the Message 24. Herbert Spencer Evolutionary Perspective 25. John Fiske Popular culture and TV 26. Henry Jenkins Fan Culture 27. Michael Foucalt Omnipresence of power 28. Jacques Derrida Deconstruction of text 29. Dependency Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur 30. Daniel Bell Post- industrial society 31. J. Habermas Public Sphere 32. Alvin Tottler Third Wave 33. Joseph Schumpeter Austrian School 34. Thorstein Veblen Technological Determinism (coined the term) 35. Daniel Boorstin Simulation theory 36. Noam Chomsky Flak 37. Philip Schlesinger Mythical time factor 38. Denis McQuail Technological Determinism 39.Leon FestingerCognitive dissonance40.Wilbur SchrammCircular Model41.Riley and RileyRitual Model42.Frank DanceHelical Model43.Elizabeth Neuman Spiral of Silence 44.Carl Hovland, Arthur Lumsdain and Fred Sheffield Sleeper effect 45.Ignace GelbGrammatolozy46.Antonio Gramsci Hagemony 47.Dallas SmytheCultural Screen48.J.H AltschullMedia- the agents of power49.F. LyotardPostmodernism50.Thomas KuhnConcept of Paradigm51.M. K GandhiTrusteeship of society52.L. R BeltranIdeological constraints of development53.J. ScottSaftey first principle54.Amartya SenIdea of justice Personalities Focused Area Jacques Derrida Dismantling structure in text Noam Chomsky Text linguistics Van Dijk Discourse analysis Ferdinand de Saussure Network of signs Elihu Katz Influence of opinion leaders Cl Hovland Limited persuasive effect of media Joseph T Klapper Selective exposure P Lazarsfeld Voter Study Durga Das Political commentator Mario Miranda Cartoonist CY Chintamani Editor Melvil Demellow Broadcaster Volney B Palmer Advertising Tim Berners Lee Web Joseph Pulitzer New Journalism DW Griffith Film ModelProponentHierarchy of effectsRice and AtkinAudience-centred social marketing theoryBrenda DervinMean World IndexGeorge GerbnerFeminist reception studiesJanice Radway ConceptPerspectiveMedia ImperialismNeo- MarxistNew World Information OrderInternational structuralistModernization through CommunicationStructural FunctionalistParticipatory CommunicationAlternative