Legal Terms Explanation Plaintiff Complaining Party Prima Facie A case can be made out on the evidence available Sub Judice In course of trial Ad Interim During the intervening period Keywords- Plaintiff, Defendant, Prima facie, Sub Judice, Ad Interim. Asked in Paper II- June 2011 Explanation- Series 18- Legal terms Plaintiff: - A person who starts a legal action against somebody in a court of law. Defendant: - Defendant is the person being sued or the person against whom the complaint is filed. Prima facie: - Based on what appears to be true at first, event though it may be proved false later. Sub Judice:- In law, Sub Judice, Latin for 'under judgement' , means that a particular case or matter is under trial or being considered by a judge or court. Ad Interim: - For an intervening or temporary period of time. A diplomatic officer who acts in place of an ambassador is called ad Interim.