Content developed by Deepshika Prajapati REPORTER A reporter is a person who collects the information of any event that occurs in the surrounding. He gathers all the information as to what is the matter, where it took place, why is that so, etc. Or in other words, a reporter is the source of complete information. STRINGERStringer is also a type of reporter who is directly or indirectly linked with one or more organizations whose work is to collect each piece of information to the related matter which should be correct in every form. He makes the package of information by taking photographs and videos. FREELANCER A freelancer is a person who is not a regular employee of any particular company. He works independently in any of the fields. However, his income is not fixed. He is only paid on the basis of the duration of his complete work. His working hours are also not fixed so he is free to complete his particular task. Thus the benefit of being a freelancer is that a person can be involved in multiple works at one time. CORRESPONDENTA correspondent is a person who frames and design raw material that is provided by the reporter. He frames the rough material in such a way that becomes comfortable for the person who is reading or viewing it. Correspondent is the entirely responsible person as he has to make the matter more and more effective.