Content developed by Phoebe Leema Evolution of community radio as its social process and event in which, members of the community associate together to design programs and produce & air them, it does taking on the primary role of actors in their own destiny, the weather this week for something as common as neighborhood, aura community, white campaign on how to use clean water and keep it clean, all agitation for the election of new leader; it is most relevant to a group of people who live and act as a community and this could be several families, several neighborhoods, or even several villages or communities, but the important thing is that they interact. Conclusion: - Radio is popularly known as the mass media which has the maximum number of listeners it has a significant effect on the social condition of our country till now in today's world people are acquainted with FM radio and community FM radio has the capacity to reach the local level rural population. Community FM radio can focus the voice of vulnerable and marginalized population of a community facilitate rural development and Agriculture promotion and service local level good governance and accountability disaster preparedness and management ensuring gender equality community empowerment as well as protect the local and community culture community FM radio stations can be a blessing for the local-level population. Community FM radio will help in- To facilitate social advancement is especially for hard to reach areas.Setting up a community FM radio station is necessary to spell the voice of marginalized vulnerable groups to policy-makers social scientists and others.Awareness about social issues social problems like child marriage poverty and unemployment problems can be and search through community FM radio stations.Any area based upcoming natural calamity code broadcast would the focus group of people.Education and training could be provided easilyCommunity broadcasting would be sustained by the principles of access and participation volunteerism diversity Independence and locality. According to Bertolt Brecht, 1979 "should be converted from a distribution system to a communication system. radio could be the most wonderful public communication system imaginable, a gigantic system of channels- could be, that is, if it were capable not only for transmitting but of receiving, of making the listeners not only hear but also speak, not of isolating him of connecting him. this means that you would have to give up Being a purveyor and organize the listeners as a purveyor.” Media which includes two-way communication for groups with special needs or interest is called community media. To exchange ideas, news, views, and reviews. The contest edition of community radio is between age use of entertainment education and dialogic communication. Concept of community radio: - it is written by the cable and satellite mafias, financial crunch, ideological contestation, and political quandaries. Is the difference between commercial and conventional radio is aptly cited by hill (1952)? In that case of community radio, community is not a passive audience. It has access to the control of the medium itself. – Rosen 7 Herman, 1977 Barlow defines (1988) community radio as controlled by progressive groups and activists, who are grounded in the community. The governance of community radios is democratic as it is geared by its social commitment, which gets reinforced through the radio programming, leading to strengthen the community. – Hochheimer (1993) The definition of community radio provided by AMARC is Comprehensive as well as wide and liberal, which gives scope to include all types of radio excluding state and commercial owned ones. Fraser and Estrada (2001) state that there is no single definition of community radio. Define it as follows: A community radio station is characterized by ownership and programming and the community it is authorized to serve. It is owned and controlled by a nonprofit structure provide for membership, management, operation and programming primarily by members of the community at large. Its programming should be based on community access and participation and should have reflect the special interest and needs of the listenership it is licensed to serve. The present characterization of community India is defined simply as those that have got licenses from the Government of India, would not be in keeping with many characteristics of community radio station that are defined by The Scholars and Institutions across the time and space. Two philosophical approaches to community radio exist, although the models are not mutually exclusive. One emphasizes service and community-mindedness, focusing on what the station can do for the community. The Other stresses involvement and participation by the Listener. In the service model locality is valued; community radio, as a third tier, can provide content focus on a more local or particular community than a larger operation. Sometimes, though, providing syndicated contain not already available within the station service area is viewed as Public Service. In the axis of participatory model, the participation of community producing container is viewed as a good in itself. While this model does not necessarily exclude a service approach there is some disagreement between the two. References Referencesresearchgate.netlink.springer.comWikipediadictionary.sensagent