Exploring Mass Communication Models and Theories

Understanding the various models and theories of mass communication is essential for students and professionals in the field. Moreover, this test paper covers key concepts and figures, providing a comprehensive review to help you prepare for competitive exams like the UGC-NET. Therefore, here are twenty questions designed to test your knowledge and enhance your understanding of mass communication theories.

  1. Robert Merton advocated which theory of communication?
    • Answer: Middle range theory
  2. Who gave the ‘Linear model of communication’?
    • Answer: Shannon and Weaver
  3. Name the communication models based on the linear model of communication.
    • Answer: Aristotle model, Shannon and Weaver model, and Berlo’s SMCR model
  4. Which model is also called the mother of all models?
    • Answer: Shannon and Weaver model
  5. Name all the elements of Aristotle’s model.
    • Answer: Speaker, speech, audience, effect
  6. Gruing and Hunt identified which model?
    • Answer: Four models of public relations
  7. Which model of PR is characterized by propaganda?
    • Answer: Press Agentry/Publicity model
  8. While exploring human nature scientifically, which model was developed?
    • Answer: Aristotle model
  9. What are Aristotle’s three elements that must be present in a good communicator or public speaker?
    • Answer: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
  10. When was Berlo’s SMCR model developed?
    • Answer: 1960
  11. Which model was made to understand general human communication?
    • Answer: Berlo’s SMCR model
  12. What are the sender’s elements on which receivers also depend in the SMCR model?
    • Answer: Communication skills, attitude, knowledge, social system, and culture
  13. What does the ‘status conferral theory’ suggest?
    • Answer: Media create prominence for issues and people
  14. Which model was made for public speaking?
    • Answer: Aristotle model
  15. Who studied categories of changes affected by the media?
    • Answer: Joseph Klapper
  16. When was the Shannon and Weaver model of communication formed?
    • Answer: 1949
  17. Who gave the concept of the two-step flow theory?
    • Answer: Katz and Paul Lazarsfeld
  18. Which model was first made to improve technical communication?
    • Answer: Shannon and Weaver model
  19. Who advocated the middle range theory of communication?
    • Answer: Robert Merton
  20. Who introduced the ABX model?
    • Answer: Theodore M. Newcomb
  • Middle Range Theory (Robert Merton): This theory bridges the gap between grand theories and empirical observations. Consequently, it focuses on specific aspects of social phenomena and provides a more practical approach to understanding communication.
  • Linear Model of Communication (Shannon and Weaver): This model describes communication as a one-way process where a sender transmits a message to a receiver. Therefore, it is foundational in understanding basic communication processes. Therefore, it is foundational in understanding basic communication processes.
  • Aristotle’s Model: One of the earliest models, it includes elements such as speaker, speech, audience, and effect, emphasizing the importance of rhetoric. Thus, it remains relevant in the study of public speaking and persuasion.
  • Berlo’s SMCR Model (1960): This model breaks down communication into Source, Message, Channel, and Receiver, highlighting the importance of each component. As a result, it offers a detailed framework for analyzing communication.
  • Four Models of Public Relations (Gruing and Hunt): These models include Press Agentry/Publicity, Public Information, Two-Way Asymmetrical, and Two-Way Symmetrical, each describing different approaches to PR. Consequently, they provide a comprehensive understanding of public relations practices.
  • Status Conferral Theory: This theory suggests that media can confer status on individuals and issues by giving them prominence. Therefore, it highlights the influential role of media in shaping public perception.
  • Two-Step Flow Theory (Katz and Lazarsfeld): This theory posits that media effects are indirectly established through opinion leaders who influence others. Thus, it underscores the importance of interpersonal communication in media influence.
  • ABX Model (Theodore M. Newcomb): This model focuses on the relationships between communicators and the objects of their communication. Consequently, it provides insights into the dynamics of interpersonal communication.

In conclusion, this test paper provides a comprehensive review of key models and theories in mass communication. Furthermore, by understanding these concepts, you can better analyze and interpret communication processes, which is essential for success in competitive exams and professional practice. Therefore, use this guide to enhance your knowledge and prepare effectively for your exams.

Nivisha Kapoor- Author
Nivisha Kapoor

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