Which part of the Indian constitution contains fundamental duties?
(A) Part-II
(B) Part-IV
(C) Part-IV – A
(D) Part-V
Correct Ans: (C)
The Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens are included in Part IV-A of the Constitution. They were added by the 42nd Amendment Act in 1976 based on the recommendations of the Swaran Singh Committee. These duties promote civic responsibility, patriotism, and respect for national values.
Article 51A of Part IV-A lists 11 Fundamental Duties. They include respecting the Constitution, National Flag, and National Anthem, upholding sovereignty and unity, and protecting public property, the environment, and cultural heritage. Citizens must also develop a scientific temper and contribute to national progress.
Unlike Fundamental Rights (Part III), Fundamental Duties are non-enforceable by law. However, courts consider them while interpreting laws, and the government promotes awareness through education and policies.
In contrast, Part IV of the Constitution contains the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP), which guide government policies for social welfare. Meanwhile, Part II deals with citizenship, and Part V covers the Union Government structure.
Because of their moral and ethical significance, Fundamental Duties help strengthen democratic values and responsible citizenship. Schools and media campaigns play a crucial role in spreading awareness about these duties.