Which day is celebrated as the Press Freedom day?
(A) May 3
(B) September 22
(C) June 1
(D) August 9
Correct Ans: (A)
May 3 celebrates the importance of a free press and its role in society. The United Nations declared this day in 1993, following UNESCO’s recommendation. It highlights how a free press strengthens democracy and transparency. On this day, we acknowledge the challenges journalists face, especially in oppressive regimes or conflict zones. It serves as a reminder of the dangers journalists endure while reporting the truth. Journalists often work under threat, facing censorship or violence. This day raises awareness about the need to protect their rights. Media organizations worldwide come together to emphasize press freedom, ensuring that journalists can operate without fear of retaliation. The celebration encourages nations to safeguard press independence and promote the free flow of information. By doing so, it fosters accountability in governance and supports the fundamental right to free expression. Press freedom remains essential for a functioning democracy.