The first Indian journalist who took the lead pleading for free flow of information through a written appeal was:
(A) Tushar Kanti Ghosh
(B) Balagangadhar Tilak
(C) Aurobindo Ghosh
(D) Rajaram Mohan Roy
Correct Ans: (D)
Raja Ram Mohan Roy, a pioneering figure in Indian journalism and social reform, was the first Indian journalist to advocate for the free flow of information. Notably, through his writings and activism, he played a crucial role in championing press freedom during British rule.
During the early 19th century, the British imposed strict press regulations to control public opinion and suppress nationalist voices. In response, Raja Ram Mohan Roy actively opposed these restrictions. Moreover, he wrote a petition to the British authorities, demanding greater press freedom. His efforts, therefore, set the foundation for a more open and transparent press in India.
Apart from being a journalist, he was also a visionary reformer who founded newspapers like Sambad Kaumudi (in Bengali) and Mirat-ul-Akhbar (in Persian). These publications, in particular, played a significant role in spreading awareness about social issues, governance, and human rights. Furthermore, his commitment to free speech and unbiased reporting made him one of India’s earliest press freedom advocates.
As a result of his efforts, later journalists and reformers found inspiration to continue the fight for an independent press. Today, his contributions remain an essential part of India’s journalistic history.