The element that distorts or disrupts a message being sent:

The element that distorts or disrupts a message being sent from a sender to a receiver is: 

(A)  Cognitive

(B)  Medium

(C)  Noise

(D)  Resonance

Correct Ans: (C)


Noise, in the context of communication, refers to anything that disrupts the smooth transmission of a message between the sender and the receiver. It can distort the meaning of the message, causing misunderstanding or misinterpretation. The term “noise” doesn’t always refer to physical sound but can encompass various forms of interference that affect communication effectiveness.

One common type of noise is physical noise, which involves external disruptions like background sounds, environmental factors, or technical issues such as poor audio during a phone call. These interruptions create a barrier, making it hard for the receiver to understand the message. Another form is psychological noise, which arises from the mental state or emotional condition of the receiver. For example, if a person is distracted, anxious, or upset, they may misinterpret or fail to process the information correctly.

Additionally, semantic noise occurs when the message’s language is unclear or ambiguous. This can happen due to the use of complex terms, jargon, or language that is not easily understood by the receiver. Technical noise relates to disruptions caused by faulty communication tools, such as poor internet connection or malfunctioning microphones.

Ultimately, noise undermines effective communication. By identifying and addressing these barriers, communicators can minimize their impact. Strategies such as simplifying language, improving the quality of communication channels, and seeking feedback can enhance understanding and ensure that the intended message reaches the audience without distortion.

Nivisha Kapoor- Author
Nivisha Kapoor

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