The technological process through which the same content can be distributed in several channels:
(A) Informatization
(B) Super highway
(C) Convergence
(D) Divergence
Correct Ans: (C)
Convergence refers to the technological process that enables the distribution of content across multiple channels. It integrates different media platforms, allowing content to flow seamlessly across various devices and formats. This process allows people to access the same content on television, the internet, mobile devices, and more.
For example, a news story appears on a website, gets broadcast on television, and becomes accessible through a mobile app—all while maintaining the same core content. As technology evolves, convergence merges previously separate media forms, such as print, television, and the internet, into a unified system.
In contrast, terms like informatization, superhighway, and divergence relate to other aspects of technology and media but do not specifically describe the distribution of content across multiple channels. Therefore, convergence plays a key role in today’s digital media landscape by ensuring broader access to and interaction with content.