Journalism and Mass Communication Objective Questions (DMCQ) 1. The concept of Press Council first emerged in ….. Sweden UK US Netherlands Correct Answer: (A) Sweden Explanation: In 1916, Sweden adopted the first rules on press ethics. The reason was that some newspapers - during the ongoing World War - had become the propaganda organs of the warring states, which damaged the reputation of the press. 2. DPA is a news agency of …… Pakistan South Africa Germany Argentina Correct Answer: (C) Germany Explanation: DPA is a German news agency founded in 1949. Based in Hamburg, it has grown to be a major worldwide operation serving print media, radio, television, online, mobile phones, and national news agencies. 3. Who among the following is not a chairperson of the Press Council of India? Justice Markandy Katju Justice R Jayachandra Reddy Justice P B Sawant Justice K K Mathew Correct Answer: (D) Justice K K Mathew Explanation: Justice Chandramauli Kumar Prasad is Chairman of the Council as of 2015. He has been appointed for a second term. The predecessor was Justice Markandey Katju (2011 – 2014). K. K. Mathew was a Judge of the Supreme Court of India highly regarded for his scholarship and for his seminal contribution to the Constitutional and Administrative law in India. 4. Press Council of India is a … body including the chairperson 26 27 28 29 Correct answer: (D) 29 Explanation: It consists of a Chairman and 28 other members. Of the 28 members, 13 represent the working journalists. 5. Self-regulatory body of the television news channels in India is…. Press Council of India Television Council of India News Broadcasting Standards Authority Broadcast Authority of India Correct Answer: (C) News Broadcasting Standards Authority Explanation: Media in India is mostly self-regulated. The existing bodies for regulation of media such as the Press Council of India which is a statutory body and the News Broadcasting Standards Authority, a self-regulatory organization, issue standards which are more in the nature of guidelines. 6. Daniel Lerner is credited to have introduced the term Heterophily Homophily Mobility Multipliers Magic Multipliers Correct Answer: (C) Mobility Multipliers Explanation- Daniel Lerner termed mass media as mobility of multipliers and Wilbur Schramm considers them to be magic multipliers. 7. ‘Spect-actor’ was coined by Augusto Boal Aristotle Paulo Cohelo Plato Correct Answer: (A) Augusto Boal Explanation- This is a term created by Augusto Boal to describe those engaged in Forum theatre. It refers to the dual role of those involved in the process as both spectator and actor, as they both observe and create dramatic meaning and action in any performance. 8. ‘Wealth of Nations’ was authored by Adam Smith Richardo Karl Marx Paulo Friere Correct Answer: (A) Adam Smith Explanation- The book ‘Wealth of Nation’s touches upon such broad topics as the division of labour, productivity, and free markets. 9. ‘As bits and watts increases in mass production and consumption, life is diminished under modernised poverty.’ ‘Who made this statement? Abraham Maslowe Karl Marx Majid Tehranian Gramsci Correct Answer: (C) Majid Tehranian Explanation- ‘Meta-Theory of Communication’ presented by Majid Tehranian. 10. Which among the following is not one of the features of Interpersonal Communication? Phatic Conversation Triadic Communication Dyadic Communication Classroom Discussion Correct Answer: (D) Classroom Discussion Explanation- Classroom Discussion is a group communication. Phatic communication is verbal or non-verbal communication that has a social function, such as to start a conversation, greet someone, or say goodbye, rather than an informative function. Triadic communication- Triadic is a communication between three or more persons. Dyadic Communication-The term ‘Dyadic communication’, in general refers to an interaction between two people.