Piece-to-Camera and Its Role in News Reporting

 Assertion (A): Piece – to – camera gives authenticity to news.

Reason (R): Piece – to – camera is a visual showing the camera man on the spot of the news.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

Correct Ans: (A)

The assertion (A) states that piece-to-camera (PTC) gives authenticity to news. This is correct, as PTC is a technique used in broadcast journalism where the reporter directly addresses the camera from the location of the event. This method allows the audience to visually connect with the news, creating a sense of immediacy and credibility. The presence of the reporter on the spot assures viewers that the information is firsthand and not simply sourced secondhand.

The reason (R) claims that piece-to-camera is a visual showing the cameraman on the spot of the news. While this explanation does not accurately describe PTC, it is true in the sense that PTC involves visuals from the scene, often with the reporter delivering information in real-time. However, the focus of PTC is the reporter, not the cameraman, and their interaction with the audience through the lens of the camera.

Both the assertion and reason are correct, but (R) does not entirely explain (A) accurately. The correct answer is (A), as PTC undoubtedly enhances the authenticity of news coverage when executed effectively.

Nivisha Kapoor- Author
Nivisha Kapoor


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